Sunday, January 30, 2011

A tour of the park

We rode on a vehicle that's called land-cruisers; they run on electricity so they move without any drivers. Inside there was a computer, walkie-talkie, and strange-looking goggles. Soon our tour began, we first saw some hypsilophodontids, they were as big as horses and they don't really are visible because of the tall grasses. Next, we see dilophosaurs that spit poison to their prey so they can eat them, they sounded like owls. After that we saw boring triceratops that's very stupid. Ater that was 2 tyrannosaur rex, we saw the adult rex eating the goat. It was so gross. The last was sauropods, apatosaurs and hadrosaurs. Suddenly Tim saw a velociraptor running through the trees. Why was there a velociraptor in another dinosaurs' enclosure?

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