Tuesday, February 15, 2011

The End of Jurassic Park

4 hours afterward, soldiers were coming to grandpa's island to kill the dinosaurs and save us from Jurassic Park. Mr. Muldoon said that the soldiers are coming to bomb grandpa's island. He asked Dr. Grant if he wants to see the raptor's nest. Dr. Grant agreed and Dr. Grant, Dr. Sattler, Mr. Muldoon, and Mr. Gennaro went to see the raptor's nest. After they left, a little later, I was so bored and wanted to go and join Dr. Grant, Dr. Sattler, Mr. Muldoon and Mr. Gennaro to find the dinosaurs' nest. But Tim says it's too dangerous and we had to stay. So, we stayed and goof around with the computer and Tim pressed a button that made a tyrannosaur's roar. I was so excited to hear its roar! It was really great! So we decided to press more buttons and make more dinosaur roars. After that, a helicopter landed, and it came to get us. So, I, Tim and Dr. Harding went inside but there wasn't grandpa. A minute or two, we went to get Dr. Grant, Dr. Sattler, Mr. Gennaro and Mr. Muldoon. Then we escaped the island and Dr. Grant asked, "Where's the children’s grandpa?” The soldier replied, "He's dead, he was killed by the compys.” Afterward there were large explosions; we could see bombs that are exploding and dinosaurs trying to escape. But afterwards there was a really thick fog, so we cannot see the park anymore. It looks like it’s the end of the park.

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