Tuesday, February 15, 2011

The End of Jurassic Park

4 hours afterward, soldiers were coming to grandpa's island to kill the dinosaurs and save us from Jurassic Park. Mr. Muldoon said that the soldiers are coming to bomb grandpa's island. He asked Dr. Grant if he wants to see the raptor's nest. Dr. Grant agreed and Dr. Grant, Dr. Sattler, Mr. Muldoon, and Mr. Gennaro went to see the raptor's nest. After they left, a little later, I was so bored and wanted to go and join Dr. Grant, Dr. Sattler, Mr. Muldoon and Mr. Gennaro to find the dinosaurs' nest. But Tim says it's too dangerous and we had to stay. So, we stayed and goof around with the computer and Tim pressed a button that made a tyrannosaur's roar. I was so excited to hear its roar! It was really great! So we decided to press more buttons and make more dinosaur roars. After that, a helicopter landed, and it came to get us. So, I, Tim and Dr. Harding went inside but there wasn't grandpa. A minute or two, we went to get Dr. Grant, Dr. Sattler, Mr. Gennaro and Mr. Muldoon. Then we escaped the island and Dr. Grant asked, "Where's the children’s grandpa?” The soldier replied, "He's dead, he was killed by the compys.” Afterward there were large explosions; we could see bombs that are exploding and dinosaurs trying to escape. But afterwards there was a really thick fog, so we cannot see the park anymore. It looks like it’s the end of the park.

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Back to the Control Room..

We ran toward a building and stayed there for the night. The next morning, I and Tim woke up and fed a really nice baby triceratops. Afterward, we found a inflatable raft and escaped back to the Control Room. Dr. Grant went to the generator building to turn the power back on again. Soon after we arrived, the lights were back on. Tim talked on the walkie-talkie and began to sorten things out. He started to type at the keyboard but it wouldn't work. So he touched the screen and it started to work. He found the Safari Lodge security system and tried to electrify back the fences, but it didn't work. Suddenly I heard something and saw something at the corridor, it was a raptor! We were really scared so we escaped to the next room to find Dr. Grant and Mr.Gennaro there. I, Tim and Mr. Gennaro escaped back to the Control Room while Dr. Grant distracted and killed the raptors. We went back to the Control Room and Tim started to activate the main generator and afterward the raptors at the Safari Lodge were electrified. Whew.. Tim had saved Dr. Ellie, Dr. Harding, Mr. Muldoon and grandpa! :)

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

What's going to happen?

I was hungry from the tour so I wanted to go back to the Safari Lodge, I went back with Dr. Grant, Mr. Malcolm, Mr. Regis and Tim back to the Safari Lodge. On our way back, suddenly the land-cruisers stop. And I saw something at the ship leaving Costa Rica, it was like an animal. I told everyone about it. Mr. Regis says they're dangerous velociraptors. We figured out why the land-cruisers stop because the power is off. Suddenly a adult rex appeared, and Mr. Regis opened the door and left us! Tim asked me to shut the door but I was too terrified. As quick as a flash the rex bite our land-cruiser and move it round and round and I fell out through the open door to the mud. I watched helplessly as the rex dropped the land-cruiser with Tim inside. I found a place to hide in a big pipe under the road, crying. Tim found me, and we search for Dr. Grant together. He finally found us. After that, we heard Ed Regis being chased by a young rex. He asked us to escape, and we ran away leaving Mr. Regis eaten by the rex.

Sunday, January 30, 2011

A tour of the park

We rode on a vehicle that's called land-cruisers; they run on electricity so they move without any drivers. Inside there was a computer, walkie-talkie, and strange-looking goggles. Soon our tour began, we first saw some hypsilophodontids, they were as big as horses and they don't really are visible because of the tall grasses. Next, we see dilophosaurs that spit poison to their prey so they can eat them, they sounded like owls. After that we saw boring triceratops that's very stupid. Ater that was 2 tyrannosaur rex, we saw the adult rex eating the goat. It was so gross. The last was sauropods, apatosaurs and hadrosaurs. Suddenly Tim saw a velociraptor running through the trees. Why was there a velociraptor in another dinosaurs' enclosure?

Aww.. It's so friendly

Today we just found out that Grandpa's island is a Jurassic Park! We learn about how they made dinosaur's DNA and put it into eggs so they can hatch into new dinosaurs! I, Tim, Dr. Grant, Dr. Ellie and the others went to the nursery room where we found a baby velociraptor. It was really nice and it jumped into Tim's arm. It didn't bite because Dr. Wu said that they don't have any egg teeth. After that, Dr. Ellie, Dr. Grant, Mr. Malcolm and Tim went to the adult raptor's enclosure. When they came back, they say that the raptors were really fierce and try to eat them! I wonder why...

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Hi! I'm Lex!

Nice to meet you! I'm Lex Murphy, and I'm the grandchild of John Hammond, a millionaire. I have a blonde hair and I love baseball caps. I'm 8 years old and I have a big brother called Tim. Today, me and my brother are going to visit an island called Isla Nublar. Grandpa said that it's going to be a lot of fun, so we went there to spend the weekend. At the island, we met Grandpa, a man who welcomed us, an unfriendly fat man and a angry man in a grey suit. There were also a thin man dressed in all black, a pretty blonde woman, and a man with sun-tanned skin and blue eyes. I wondered why they all look so serious…After all, mother said that the island is a holiday resort…

Hi! I'm Lex!